El Zaburs Edwina  -  Tortoiseshell      



GC. Scrimshaw Edward

GC. Scrimshaw Got Soul?

GC. RW Scrimshaw Scandalous
GC, RW Scrimshaw Turbulence, DM 

GC. Boberanīs Midnight Escape, DM
GC. RW Scrimshaw Secrets, DM
GC. Boberanīs Shaq Attack of Scrimshaw
GC. Agonistes Chaos of Scrimshaw

GC,  RW Scrimshaw Midnight Secrets, DM

GC. Boberanīs Midnight Escape, DM  
Scrimshaw Secret Love
GC, RW Jolee Dune of Boberan, DM
GC, GP, RW Boberanīs Holiday, DM
GC, Boberanīs Midnight Escape, DM
GC. RW Scrimshaw Secrets, DM

El Zaburs Mon Amour of Scrimshaw
Blue Cream 


GC. El Zaburs September Moon

CH. Canastalion Lemon Pie of El Zaburs
CH. DīEden Lover Moonrose of El Zaburs

Steeplechase Whirlaway
Artemis Blueberry Pie
GC. BW, NW Melositos White Owl of DīEdenLover, DM
CH. Zhao Be Still My Heart of Kuorii
CH. El Zaburs Pastel Stripes N Diamonds

CH. Canastalion Lemon Pie of El Zaburs
CH. Canastalion CaramelPie of El Zaburs
Steeplechase Whirlaway
Artemis Blueberry Pie
Artemis Firestarter
Artemis Blueberry Pie